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Tailored Solutions for a Cash Collection and Delivery Business :: Smart software engineering
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Client's Activity: Delivery of valuable goods, cash collection

In this article, we explore the challenges faced by a client in the delivery and cash collection sector: the absence of an integrated information system, communication issues, regulatory requirements, and high operational costs. We will also discuss the tailored solutions implemented, such as a navigation module, IP-radio communication, and an administrator and dispatcher module, which have helped improve efficiency, enhance communication, and achieve significant savings for the client's business.

Challenges faced by our client before implementing the platform
  1. Lack of a "simple but sufficient control and management" information system over the work of dispatch center employees, drivers, and cash collectors, resulting in time loss and decreased overall work efficiency. Task distribution among employees using various software not integrated into a unified system often consumes a lot of personal time, leading to the client's desire to consolidate some solutions.
  2. Absence of a stable communication channel between drivers and the office due to uneven coverage by digital and analog repeaters, including due to the high cost of such solutions. In emergency situations, drivers/cash collectors/dispatchers had to use various proprietary internet messengers or make GSM voice calls.
  3. Regulatory requirements related to the transportation of valuable goods, requiring logical isolation from the global cargo transportation system, document isolation, and encryption of the data exchange channel using certified solutions.
  4. High regular expenses for radio frequency spectrum suitable for a fully functional data exchange system, and the necessity to use exclusively digital radios, which are quite challenging to certify to meet the standards of this business sector.

All of this led the client to desire: to reduce transaction costs on using different products, increase the efficiency of cash collectors, drivers, and dispatchers, improve control over people, and achieve savings through simpler deployment of vehicle tracking solutions, strengthening corporate communication security.

Tasks focused on during product implementation for our client
  1. Implement a navigation module in such a way as to prevent the platform from being used with the location detection function disabled on modern mobile OS, to reduce the likelihood of navigation errors in online mode. Configure the navigation mode optimally (polling frequency of coordinates from various sources) to achieve good efficiency on a mobile device with minimal errors in route planning. Thanks to this development, the company gained the ability to track the movement of all employees (driver, cash collector, dispatcher) on the map in real-time, and with the appropriate permission, drivers could see all vehicles on the map in the mobile application.
  2. Implement an IP-radio module to reduce internet connection bandwidth requirements by introducing an adaptive codec without losing communication quality. This required conducting quality communication tests regarding packet loss when using equipment (clients, servers) within the network of a single mobile provider and adjusting frame length and choosing an optimal sampling frequency to reduce voice stream losses in the absence of encryption. Attention was also paid to regulatory requirements, and a decision was made on a convenient and fast mechanism to meet the category of information the client operates with.
  3. Implement an administrator and dispatcher module in the personal account, providing the ability to manage tasks, user rights, track movements, and manage task setting in a simplified form (so that this module, despite its simplicity, performs the necessary function for the client). Dispatchers were given the ability to read mileage, driving time, average speed data (basic tachograph functions), while other employees could track all their tasks on the map, plan optimal routes, take photos for reporting, and send documents through communication channels with dispatcher stations of the IP-radio module.
  4. Implement the possibility of using tablets in transport with hands-free devices in cars with simultaneous connection to the audio jack of the hardware panic button (SOS button) and provide the ability to connect a hardware Bluetooth PTT (push-to-talk) button to tablets in vehicles.
Changes in client's business processes after product implementation and adaptation

After implementing our solution into the business processes of this organization, the client gained the ability to create radio communication channels for groups of employees and always stay in touch with them online.
This product provided employees the ability to send text messages, share photos and videos, and transmit documents. Thanks to the integrated "emergency button" feature, employees can send emergency messages.
Also, tasks were implemented, allowing to assign tasks to employees both in advance and to make adjustments during execution. When launching the application, an employee sees all current tasks, their priority, execution order, deadlines, and mapping to points on the map. After implementing this functionality, the ability to control the completion of an employee's tasks and provide support appeared.
In the end, after implementing our solution, the client managed to: reduce transaction costs on using different products, thereby increasing the efficiency of cash collectors and drivers, strengthening corporate communication security while meeting regulatory requirements, improving control over transport fleets and cash collection service employees, and achieve savings through a simpler vehicle tracking solution without the need to purchase separate GPS hardware solutions.