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Restaurant Delivery|Automated System|Custom Solution :: Smart software engineering
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Delivery Control & Management System Control

Discover the success story of a popular fast-food chain that revolutionized its delivery game with a cutting-edge Delivery Control & Management System. Faced with manual inefficiencies, the restaurant sought an automated solution, resulting in a fourfold increase in volumes and improved courier discipline.


Task of Customer to be solved

We were approached by a popular fast-food restaurant chain to overhaul their expensive and time-consuming manual delivery management process and create an automated solution. The customer’s software design should increase productivity, with the resulting efficiency gain compensating for the cost of the created solution. 

Let’s take a look at the tasks we had to address:

  • Automate the receipt of delivery orders with our comprehensive automated solution, providing detailed information on each order.
  • Create a convenient mechanism for changing order statuses.
  • Calculate metric indicators per shift.
  • Collect geodata about courier’s location, preserve the history of the courier’s movements, and calculate mileage per shift, utilizing a geodatabase.
  • Automate the collection and processing of data for reporting and analysis the efficiency of delivery processes. 

What Was Done for Restaurant Chain

Indeed, it is a fact that many businesses still spend excessive time and resources manipulating the delivery process. A custom software solution can automatically interface with your specific tasks and data sources, creating a fast, reliable, consistent, and memorable post-purchase experience. 

Here’s what we have done for the customer:

  • Worked closely and thoroughly studied courier business processes and the customer’s organization.
  • Developed server software.
  • Integrated with third-party client software.
  • Developed a mobile app for staff members.
  • Developed a mobile app for buyers.
  • Created an advanced administration and management panel with differentiated access rights. 

Benefits from Delivery Control & Management System Launch:

Let's find out the results our customer achieved:

  • The restaurant chain increased volumes by 4 times.
  • Couriers became disciplined and started to work visually with current orders, efficiently managing low delivery stocks. They can now see upcoming orders, plan delivery times and routes, and view real-time shift metrics.
  • Couriers began to call customers with a warning 85% more often, which is appreciated by clients.
  • The management of couriers has become simple and easy: all operations and the current load are clearly visible through the administration and control panel.
  • Personnel costs have significantly decreased, and human resources have been optimized.
  • Increased transparency of staff members' actions.
  • The number of errors caused by the human factor has been reduced.
  • Increased efficiency of cash processing.
  • Simplified reporting.

Facts of Nowadays:

About 70% of customers will choose a brand over a competitor if they provide the best delivery options, about 43% of online clients view fast and reliable delivery as the most important factor when shopping online, and about 41% of consumers are willing to pay more for fast same-day delivery.

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